Sam Rubin | Software Engineer

The personal and professional website of Sam Rubin, a full stack software engineer located in Arlington, Virginia.

Backing up databases to a remote source can sometimes be a time-consuming or daunting process. Fortunately, there exists a nice solution with Postgres with logrotate, pg_dump, and the AWS S3 CLI. I implemented this solution, and it has been working great, to back up a Mattermost (read Slack clone) database....

Recently, I needed to do a whole bunch of Git cleanup on a legacy project. I discovered a lot of really useful git commands and recipes that I wanted to keep a running list of. The purpose of this post is to keep track of these snippets throughout time and...

When using third-party APIs, or even making complex queries on your own APIs, sometimes data is returned in formats that are not so easy to manipulate. A recent example of this that I came across was a nested array strucutre. I was presented with an array of arrays that looked...

The other day I was working with a designer and came across an interesting CSS challenge: designing a navbar with the following: Upto n items in navigation that will wrap on different media breakpoints The entire navbar will have an underline that spans the full width of its container, and...